Monday 28 January 2008

Stay - At - Home - Monday

The title may mistaken lead you to believe that I anything but stay at home on the other days of the week. This is not the case. Most days I stay in, playing on Ebay, feeding the baby, cleaning the minuscule flat (which is like a tardis with regards to the mess) and generally doing nothing useful for society. Most days I venture to the nearest coffee shop, and attempt to quell the tide of overwhelming tiredness with a triple-shot latte.

A lot of the time L comes home for lunch. I have missed him today a I was getting my caffeine injection when he came back. I'm not bothered because for some reason he usually come in full of the raging horn, and the middle of the day just isn't my hot time.

The flat smells like cat pee, the boy needs his bum changing, and I can't remember if I brushed my teeth this morning. They feel okay, but I have never been able to smell my own breathe. Not that it matters really, as Ramsey doesn't care, and I won't be seeing anyone else til at least 6.

I'm feeling a little bitter today.

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